Dead dreams don’t have to become zombies

I was invited to donate into a theatre project, and I LOVE theatre – when I was younger I thought I would get into it and took all the drama classes in school, until high school when most of my dreams were dashed and I had to face reality. The best I can do these days is donating money into the arts and giving away free consulting time.

Plot summary: Why does everyone have to go ruin everything and start getting married? Julius and his best friend Morrie live together comfortably, reliving their college days. But Julius’s girlfriend, June, is growing frustrated with Morrie’s quirks, specifically, his phobia of all things related to love. They find themselves awash in wedding invitations, prompting a crisis in Julius’ and June’s relationship.

The Godot Cycle

This theatrical play will be time-consuming, exhausting and nothing but a sheer battle, just like my life. The Godot Cycle will be happening along with the Toronto Fringe Festival and there will be two marathons of the play. The first will be for a total of 30 hours and the second 54 hours. The two main characters are to act for the full time and not take any breaks, this is a gruelling grind. The other 3 characters will be played by various actors. Concepts of performance art will be incorporated. – Asif Zamir

Renovation and Innovation

Wilmington, North Carolina

A beautiful 50 seat live theatre has been built but is unfinished. Hopes are to complete more renovations and upgrades that need accomplished. This community theatre will really add to the heart and culture of the area. Community theatre is so distinct and lively, communities really benefit from having this available to them.

stage space

Miami, Florida

This is an idea by a high school student. For his community service hours he would like to create an online database of performances. His passion is in theatre and he would like to put that passion to good use. The performances will be video taped and uploaded onto a website. This project will be built from the ground up. New material is asked for from writers, for a chance for their ideas to be performed.