These People are Practically Family

Asif Zamir - working in BoliviaThis blog will focus on a project I worked on in Bolivia with a woman named Maria. I’ve participated in several Bolivian based projects, some small, and some large. Bolivia is located in South America, and happens to be the continent I was born on.

Now, I should start by saying that if you want to start a business, no matter where it is, there will be start-up costs. Never believe the ads that tell you that you can start a business for free because there is no such thing.

Maria is a Bolivian native in her 40’s who sells DVDs on a kiosk (see picture). She wanted to raise about $875 USD to improve and expand her business, and I thought this would be a good project to get involved with.

Maria used some of the money to buy a television so that she can display her movies while customers are browsing. She is going to invest in her company by expanding her DVD inventory, since there is a high demand right now. Maria faces challenges in her business because of a lack of cash to buy her products (don’t we all), so she is going to use the loan to continue buying a variety of products for each selling season. Maria’s dream is to grow her business to help support her family even more. This project is just a few months old, but already a great success, and something I am very proud to be apart of.

So… why is this so important to me? I have participated in projects where I send money every week / month, and it sometimes gets discouraging after a while to not see progress or sustainability. I mean, what’s going to happen when I’m poor, and can’t afford to send anymore money? I say this so that I can point out that this project with Maria is sustainable. Maria is a person who is building something that she can eventually hand down to her children. Okay, it may not be DVDs in the future, but you know what I mean…

Asif Zamir

Entrepreneur in Columbia

Asif Zamir Columbia projectYorman is a Colombian native, a young entrepreneur who has a passion to succeed. He has achieved a number of business successes and wants to try his hand at fast food which is a growing industry in Columbia (and possibly everywhere else in the world). His income / profits are used to support himself and his mother plus pay for school, which I personally think is amazing. His ultimate dream is to become a micro entrepreneur / small business owner. Starting a restaurant in Canada might run you into the hundreds of thousands at least (I know because I’ve worked with several great restaurants in the Toronto area), but in Columbia, a few hundred (in this case $1300) would do it. Yorman’s biggest dream is to improve his sales and attract more customers, so that he can open a full restaurant in the near future.

Asif Zamir